Friday, September 3, 2010

Question #9

Today's topic is "something you’re proud of in the past few days."

Well, I'm certainly proud that my house is still reasonably clean. It's usually trashed again in much less than a week.

But mostly, I'm proud of how well my little girl is doing with her school work. I don't take credit for it, except for the bookworm gene that she obviously received from me (since her daddy doesn't have one.) The child is just smart. She's reading on a fifth grade level, and she's only six and a half. She's doing fourth grade spelling work and third grade language arts. She can tell you the difference between an action verb and a helping verb, and knows to drop the silent e before adding -ing. She detests math, but it's not hard for her - inequalities = easy, and she can add 3-digit numbers that require her to carry tens and hundreds to the next column. Oh, and she wants her very own web show, just like iCarly, and frequently writes scripts for them.

Yep, I'm very proud of her. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I'm your newest follower via Relax and Surf Blog Hop. Your daughter sounds like a tiny 'genius'. Well done to you for creating that drive within her.

    Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Marie (hope you'll come by for a visit sometime, I love new followers.)
    The Things We Find Inside
